Hi! How are you?
I'm Lisa, and I'm a certified and licensed massage therapist.
Massage is a good relaxation tool for the muscles and the nerves to relieve tension, tightness, stress, and pain - including headache pain.
I especially love foot massage (yes, even if you're ticklish!), because it relieves all the symptoms mentioned above - throughout your body - and, as many of my clients have shared, you feel as though you're "floating" at the end.
I love to work with the elderly. I volunteered once a week at a local nursing home for many years, and helping them is a passion of mine. The benefits of massage for the elderly can be seen at the personal and patient levels. At the personal level, the compassionate physical contact with another human lifts their spirits. At the patient level, it relieves physical symptoms as I mentioned above, and, with regular treatment, it can help alleviate other ailments.
To learn more and to schedule a massage with me, Call or text to: 1-603-734-4127